Release a game when it’s first playable but far from complete, and then shape it in response to feedback gleaned from an active dialogue with the player community. Early Access is both an acknowledgment of the dangers of early adoption (no one likes to be a guinea pig, after all) and an opportunity for enthusiastic consumers to have a say in how the product they’ve purchased will take shape. Minecraft and a handful of other games like it introduced an alternative. Nowadays, savvy gamers go in expecting their experience to change over time - to improve over time.

Diablo III, for example, is unrecognizable today compared to the state it was in when it launched back in 2012. Now we live in an era of day-one patches, hotfixes, balance updates, and more. In the olden times before high-speed Internet, the game you purchased on day one was what you were still playing months later. Xaviant’s process with Lichdom is an example of Early Access being done “right.”Early Access is a relatively new idea.