He has clocked a 3:08 at Oregon’s Bendistillery 50K, and has twice placed in the top 10 at the competitive White River 50-Mile. “He’ll have these hilarious stories and one-liners, and with some of them you think, ‘Well, I’m glad we’re in the woods and the only ones hearing this.’” “’s been a lot of places and been in a lot of situations that lend themselves to good stories, so he’s a lot of fun to run with,” says Kurt Decker, who manages a running store in the Twin Cities and is active in the local ultra scene. It was that he seemed to have more fun sitting in the back, peddling snark. It wasn’t that Olson, 38, seemed out of place taking questions from Born to Run devotees, and it wasn’t that he was annoyed to take part in the event Jurek introduced him as a friend and treated him like an equal, and Olson seemed happy to be there. While he was answering questions, something about his demeanor seemed different than that of the vaunted runner or the author. At Jurek’s urging, he took part in the Q&A, where he held forth on two main topics: first, that he inspired Jurek to run his first ultra, and, second, that he often swore at Jurek when crewing for him. A few dozen people showed up for a chance to run with the Western States icon but were pleasantly surprised to find Olson, whom they knew from the book, there as well. Scott Jurek-returning to his home state-had been billed as the guest of honor for the event. “Yeah, I run barefoot,” Olson whispered, cackling. I was sitting in the back next to Olson as author Christopher McDougall espoused the benefits of barefoot running to an attentive crowd. I first heard the laugh at a book-signing event for Born to Run in a Minneapolis suburb.

His trademark hair, often swept back and reaching his shoulders, is shorter these days.īut that bellowing guffaw-which is easy to bring on-is pure Tommy Chong. His 6-foot-2 frame, imposing and athletic by most standards, is just a touch above average in a place where Norse ancestry is the norm. Not much about him stands out among other Minnesotans. To know Dusty Olson is to know his laugh. “ been a lot of places and been in a lot of situations that lend themselves to good stories…” Here, Olson on a run near Chamonix, France. He just hasn’t had the chance to show everyone. He’s also one of the funniest people in ultrarunning. Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members!ĭusty Olson can paddle Class-5 rapids, ski masterfully over moguls and outrun most people, no matter the distance.